Monday, June 17, 2013

epi/aft c

at this point the action fades.

everything becomes more mysterious.

you were probably expecting something, and then guess what- it turned into something radically different.  unforseeable.  cryptic.  good dramatists do that, you realize. they like to mess with people's heads.  their space, their time, their identity.  they like to pick you up by the scruff of your neck, bring you up to eye level, blink a few times, and say nothing.  hold you there for awhile.  set you back down in an entirely different part of the landscape.

epi/aft 11

one random version of the so-called "heart" of the matter

if forced to reveal my metaphor...


this is the best i can do:

darkness = mystery


(contextual note: cuspin has clearly been influenced by the various "writings" of taoism, as well as those wordless things and non-things to which the various "writings" purport to refer.  here are three different translations of the first verse of the tao te ching.  note how different dimensions/elements of iricoila's question are addressed by each one.)


the tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao.
the name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.

the unnameable is the eternally real.
naming is the origin 
of all particular things.

free from desire, you realize the mystery.
caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.

yet mystery and manifestations 
arise from the same source.
this source is called darkness.

darkness within darkness.
the gateway to all understanding.

(stephen mitchell)


the way can be spoken of
but it will not be the constant way.
the name can be named,
but it will not be the constant name.
the nameless was the beginning of the myriad creatures;
the named was the mother of the myriad creatures.
hence constantly rid yourself of desires 
in order to observe its subtlety;
but constantly allow yourself to have desires
in order to observe what it is after.

these two have the same origin but but differ in name.
they are both called dark;
darkness upon darkness;
the gateway to all that is subtle.

(d.c lau)


the way that becomes a way
is not the Immortal Way
the name that becomes a name
is not the Immortal Name
the maiden of heaven and earth has no name
the mother of all things has a name
thus in innocence we see the beginning
in passion we see the end
two different names
for one and the same
the one we call dark
the dark beyond dark
the door to all beginnings

(red pine)



epi/aft 12

the so-called "heart" of the matter in the fourth dimension


the heart that can be summoned
will not even understand what you're saying.
the identity that can be solidified
ends up in the same museum eventually.

the unnameable is the eternally real.
naming is the origin 
of all particular things.

free from identity, you realize the emptiness.
caught in anonymity, you see only the manifestations.

yet identity and anonymity 
arise from the same intangible city.
this city is sometimes referred to as wilderness.

wilderness within civilization.
the paradox of all understanding.

(evan raymer)



the way can be written over 
but it will not be the imp of pure creativity.  
the name can be subsumed, without effort, 
but it will not be the name recorded by "history." 

the nameless was the beginning and end 

of the library; the named was the mother 
of the deep wilderness already referred to.

hence constantly observe perfect stillness,
silence, darkness, emptiness, solitude,  
in order to observe language's subtle liquidity. 
but constantly allow yourself to utterly abandon
these practices in order to observe what
the many languages flow toward outside perpetuity.

these two have the same origin but differ 
in something that cannot be identified.
they both emerged from the ocean;
liquid inside deeper liquidity.




the way that becomes a way
is not the Immortal Way
the name that becomes a name
is not the Immortal Name
the maiden of heaven and earth has no name
the mother of all things has a name
thus in innocence we see the beginning
in passion we see the end
two different names
for one and the same
the one we call dark
the dark beyond dark
the door to all beginnings

(red pine)



the emergence of language
is not apriori recognizable Language.
the name undefined is formatted
almost free from infinity.

that which has no name
names itself. desire deepens and 
opens its own place in the syzygy.

the suspension and stimulation
of desire is "the darkness of mystery" 
unformed free from what wanderers
keep calling "infinity."

when matter interacts with 
a photon, darkness is given
a nu nickname: "lite."

darkness and light arise from
the same unknowable source.
the gravity-matter of language 
unnames even 




epi/aft 13

deep time

the emergence of so-called "separate" continents
happened imperceptibly over billions of years.
too much of the pure dialectic 
and people just end up back in babel.

language 1 is not apriori 
in the sense that language 2 is 
ostensibly hiding its cards.
both play close to the vest.
the gold medal refined is formatted
without recourse to infinity.

that which has no name
names itself. desire excavates 
its own mystery.

the suspension and stimulation
of desire is akin to "music formed 
from a cosmos-ladder of spaces."

when dust interacts with 
a photon, darkness is given
a nu language: light.

darkness and light arise from
the same unspeakable source.

language 3 unnames even silence.

